$ 45
Size: 40 x 30 cm
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After they had breakfast, Jesus said to Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you burn with love for me more than these?"
Peter answered, "Yes, Lord! You know that I have great affection for you!"
"Then take care of my lambs", Jesus said. Jesus repeated his question the second time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you burn with love for me?"
Peter answered, "Yes, my Lord! You know that I have great affection for you!"
"Then take care of my sheep", Jesus said. Then Jesus asked him again, "Peter, son of Jonah, do you have great affection for me?"
Peter was saddened by being asked the third time and said, "My Lord, you know everything. You know that I burn with love for you!"
Jesus replied, "Then feed my lambs!"
John 21:15-17 (TPT)
We all know those painful moments where Peter caved under the fear of man when he denied that he knew Jesus. When for the third time he denied any association with Jesus, the rooster crowed. Jesus had, in fact, just hours before at the Last Supper, predicted that before the rooster crows Peter would have disowned him three times (Matthew 26:34). Brian Simmons, in his notes to the above verses, writes: Jesus called Peter Simon, son of Jonah because Jonah was the prophet who ran from his calling but was supernaturally restored. So, Peter had followed Jonahs example by denying Jesus and running away. Yet Jesus now stood before him to fully restore him and heal his heart...In essence, Jesus knew how to bring healing to Peter and remove the pain of his denial. Three times Peter denied Jesus, but three times he made his confession of his deep love for Christ. By the third time, the crowing rooster inside Peter had been silenced, and now he was ready to be a shepherd for Jesus' flock (Simmons, The Passion Translation). Jesus has once and forevermore restored us to himself. Because of the cross, we are whole and lovely in his sight. He tasted the bitterness of betrayal so that we may be accepted, adopted and restored.
Unframed art print made of museum-quality matte paper. Giclée printed on archival, acid-free paper.
Additional prophetic description of the artwork is available for download upon purchase.
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Print sizes
All prints are 30 x 40 cm and fit best within a 30 x 40 cm frame with a passe-partout of 30 x 21 cm
Picture without passe-partout, length: 40 cm
Picture without passe-partout, breadth: 30 cm
Picture with passe-partout, length: 30cm
Picture with passe-partout, breadth: 21 cm